
當Mac OS遇上VMware Workstation

謎之聲:"個人喜歡Apple Inc.,也有iPhone、Mac Air...這篇純粹是秉著程序員求新的態度孕育而生~"

Apple Inc.在WWDC 2014橫空出世發表了新的programming language: Swift,以下是Apple自己給Swift的簡介:Swift is Apple's brand-new programming language for writing great iOS and OS X apps. Learn the basics of the language. See how to declare variables, use the fundamental data types, declare functions, and implement classes. Explore some of the great features that make Swift a safe, modern, and extremely powerful language. 簡單來說,Apple要將為人詬病已久不易上手的Object-C換到新語言Swift上,其支援近年流行的Lambda語法Script隨寫隨編隨跑等特性,直教人想趕快玩一玩;但要用Swift可真是讓小弟費煞了一番苦心,沒有Mac怎麼辦?沒關係,Virtualization的第一名VMware真的很厲害~以下介紹如何在Windows上用VMware Workstation安裝Mac OS


  1. VMware Workstaion 10 (以上),才能支援最新版的Mac OS
  2. VMware unlock tool (v120 以上),得以解鎖Workstaion原本對Mac系列OS的屏蔽
  3. Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3.iso or Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3.dmg
  4. xcode6 beta.dmg
[VMWare Workstaion安裝Mac OS X步驟]